Friday, January 13, 2012

For You

For your victims, I mourn.
For your wife and children, I mourn.
For the people who depended on you, I mourn.
For the people who never knew the monster who was you, I mourn.

For you, I curse you to the fate that was judged upon you.
For you, I curse you to the guilt that shall never leave you.
For you, I curse you to the loneliness that will always be with you.
For you, I curse you to the scorn that will follow you.

You were my friend.
You were my mentor.
You were.

Now you are little more than nothing to me.
Now you are a stranger on the street.

Yet, more than a stranger.
For I know the skeletons in your closet.
And I know there are more to be found buried beneath the floor;
Beneath the foundation; beneath the bedrock;
Where you think no one shall find them.
But someone will.

For a man like you cannot forever hide in darkness.
The things you long for will drive you into the light.
You will be seen for what you truly are.

I thought I knew you.
You had me fooled.
You had everyone fooled.
Now the truth is slowly coming out.
What other truths may escape;
While you're caged and in darkness.

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